Friday, April 23, 2010


Underrated: English peas

They're huge and super easy to cook. Good lookin' out, English peas!

Overrated: Fava beans

Admit it, you never really thought about fava beans until you saw Silence of the Lambs, and then you wanted to cut someone's liver out so you could try them. No? Just me? Well, I finally tried them.

On the outside, they look almost exactly like English peas, but you know what's on the inside? Almost nothing. If you want a cup of fava bean, you'd better bring a 40-gallon garbage bag to the grocery store to fill up. You struggle to peel open the pod and it's like a luxury condo inside, with tiny little beans nestled on a fine fur blanket. But guess what? You're not done peeling yet. Now you have to peel each individual bean. But you have to steam them first, so you can get the skin off. Finally, you squeeze out a little bean the size of a BB covered in some gross embryonic fluid. Now do that a thousand times and you've got yourself a spoonful of food. So what did they taste like? They tasted like not worth it. The dude's liver I had with them, however, was excellent.

And don't forget to vote for me in Fresh Blood contest!

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