Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tequila Review: Revolucion Reposado

Wow, I haven't posted a tequila review Feb 24 with Dos Manos "The Hands of Fate" Reposado. Were are my priorities? I need to get drinking! Well, I'm back with a treat:

Revolucion Resposado

Okay, it doesn’t matter what this tequila tastes like--you need to go buy it. Why? The bottle. No, it’s not one of those tall, skinny, frosted glass numbers trying to look like some fancy French vodka with all the flavor of a tall glass of ice water. It’s a pretty straight-ahead shape, thin and wide, more like a brandy bottle. So what’s the big deal? Well, for starters it has two pistols on the label and it’s called Revolucion! How bad ass is that? What revolution are they aluding to? I have no idea, but they can count me in. Just tell me who the bad guys are and I’ll come out guns a’ blazin’. Now, I don’t like to be exclusionary, but I’ve got to say that this is a manly tequila. You ladies are welcome to drink it all you like, of course, but don’t be surprise when you grow hair on your chest. But gee whiz, you might say (‘cause I bet a punk like you talks that way), that doesn’t sound like such a big deal. Oh yeah? You just turn that bottle around. What am I going to find? I ain’t tellin’, punk. All I’m going to tell you is, it kicks a whole lot of ass. And the tequila inside’s not shabby either. It’s light, but it has a full, buttery texture and a descent kick. The predominate flavor is a pleasant vanilla, with some floral notes. Not bad at all. Viva la Revolucion!

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