Friday, March 26, 2010

Random Top 5: Movies I Hate Beyond Reason

5. Lost & Found

Dumb as dirt. I saw this for free on TV, but I still felt ripped off. David Spade makes my skin crawl.

4. Reality Bites

This movie bites.

3. Cast Away

The most egregious, insulting, infuriating example of product placement in movie history. And they show him surviving and getting off the island in the commercial.

2. Working Girl

Everyone else loves this movie. Everyone else is an idiot. This movie represents everything I hate about the '80s. At the end, when she got a job as a mid-level corporate shill and cheered like she just cured cancer, I wanted to vomit.

1. The Family Stone

I just saw this recently and it skyrocketed to the top of this list. If this movie had a face, I would slap it with my glove. There is too much suck to describe here. Maybe I'll write a full review later, but for now I'll just say: Worst. Movie. Ever.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The bloodletting continues!

The March round of voting for the Leisure Books/ChiZine/Rue Morgue Magazine “Fresh Blood” contest has started. Once again, this is a contest for first time novelists and the grand prize winner will have their novel published in paperback by Leisure Books and in hardcover by ChiZine Publications in 2011. And I’m in the top 5!

Last time I got a paltry 4% of the vote, and this time the writer with the lowest number will be eliminated. So please, VOTE FOR ME!!! VOTE FOR ME!!!

Sorry, that was undignified. But if you would be so kind, please do consider sending in a vote. It’s easy:

Just email here:

And put this in the subject line:
Fresh Blood Vote: Breed

You can take a look at the cover copy for each of the top 5 novels here. Of course, you’re welcome to vote for one of the other four, if you prefer. But you wouldn’t do that to me, would you? WOULD YOU???? (Sorry, I’ve really got to get a hold of myself)

Random Top 5: Words I’ve Heard Mispronounced Lately

5. Expresso (for espresso)

4. Supposably (for supposedly)

3. Acove (for alcove)

And here’s where they start getting weird

2. Aquiknowledge (for acknowledge)

1. Sangwich (for sandwich)

It’s a weird mispronunciation. But what’s even weirder is that I heard it from two different people who don’t know each other on the same day!

Friday, March 12, 2010

The FAQs of Life

This is where I provide definitive answers to unanswerable questions.

Today's question:

Is the glass half full, or half empty?


If you come upon a drinking glass that contains liquid to a level midway between the top and bottom, classifying this glass as "half full" or "half empty" is not a subjective matter. And despite popular opinion, it is not a test of one’s optimism. To label the status of the glass, one merely needs to identify its previous state. If the glass had been full and the liquid was removed until the level was lowered to the midpoint, then the glass is "half empty." If the glass had been empty and it was filled to the midpoint, then the glass is "half full."

You can now file this question under: ANSWERED!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Random Top 5: Words That Make Me Wish I Was British

These are words that I wish I could say, but I can't because I'm American

5. Oi!
When you say "Oi!" meaning "Hey, you!" you instantly sound like a tough soccer hooligan.

4. Cheers
Not "cheers" meaning "salute" but "cheers" meaning "thanks."

3. Sodding
I have no idea what this means. It's said like a vulgarity, but sounds like gardening.

2. Bollocks
Awesome word. Even better? "Dog's bollocks."

1. The C Word
This seems to be said casually in the UK, but I can't even write it, much less say it.